Manual Buying
Last updated
Last updated
First open the bot here and then open the manual buying tab and send the CA you wanna buy.
Send the CA you wanna buy.
Then select your wallet.
You can now buy how much ETH you want, dont forget to add funds on your wallet.
Click on the positions menu and will be able to see all the token you buy in real time.
If it's green, it's toggled on. If you wish to snipe without anti-rug, you can turn it off. If the tax goes above your safety tax settings or the developer tries to rug the token (any instance that makes investors unable to sell), Banana Gun will attempt to frontrun the transaction and sell your tokens. Note: - Developers often "shake out" bot users with fake tax settings. If you have anti-rug on, it will trigger. - It has an 80-85% success rate, and can only land on MEV blocks.
If its green, it is toggled on. If you wish to snipe without Transfer on Blacklist on, you can turn it off. If the developer tries to blacklist your wallet, Banana Gun will call the Transfer on Blacklist function to send your tokens to the 'transfer wallet' as long as it is enabled. Note: - You must have transfer wallets set up in Banana Gun for it to work. - Your transfer wallets must have at least 0.1 ETH for it to work.
This feature allows for a normal 0-99% range and is meant for launches with no maximum transactions. It allows that much movement in the price or a failure. Note: If you set it to 100, it will be considered "unlimited".
With this feature activated, you can buy in insider plays that launch as "honeypot" to deter bot users. If you enable this setting, the bot will ignore safety tax settings, allowing it to purchase the token even if it is unsellable. You can quickly toggle the feature by typing /degen into the sniper bot. WARNING! This disables a lot of our safety features, use it with care. Stay safe out there!
The default setting is to approve the bought token after the snipe. In this scenario, after successfully purchasing the token, it approves it in the next block, and you are ready to sell on the second block. If you want to sell the bought token on block 1 or block 2, you can pre-approve the token.
If you wish to change the settings you launched the buy with, click on this button.
IMPORTANT: Changing any settings here will only affect THIS snipe. All other pending snipe settings won't change, and new snipes will use settings from the main Settings.